Is there intelligent life on Venus?

Cathy (Director)
Cathy has a Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) and a Ph.D in Physics in the field of computational geophysics. Her studies began in the arts, with a Bachelor of Visual Arts. She has over 10 years of software development and engineering experience. She works primarily in modelling and simulation and scientific visualisation. She uses object oriented programming, design patterns and Agile software development. She focuses on “keeping things moving” and enjoys developing software to support scientific research.

In 2011, Cathy left her marriage of 20 years to escape from domestic abuse of the controlling and emotionally abusive kind. In 2014, after fighting off vexatious litigation and ongoing harassment by her ex’s proxies, the property settlement was finally over. She is now back in her home and progressing her life and career with nothing holding her back (except her large mortgage).

​Richard (Game Master)
Richard has a Bachelor of Mathematics, a Master of Business Information Management, a Master of Information and Library Management. He is currently studying a Master of Data Science. Richard has over 20 years’ experience in Data Analysis, IT and Information Management. He uses a variety of programming languages, platforms and operating systems. He develops mathematical models to strengthen market making and betting market profitability.​ He tests statistical data provided by experts and determines relative worth against similar sources. His on-the-fly programming skills are highly refined. He adapts quickly and achieves results under immense time pressure. He refuses to get bogged down and prefers to “Just Get Shit Done”.

Richard has spent 36 years of his life in the alternate worlds of role-playing games. We have successfully captured him in this universe to work with The Venus Framework Group by enticing him with the scent of sci-fi, promises of fun games, and suggestions of battles between ancient gods.

Peter (Programmer/Anthropologist/Linguist)
Peter completed a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Anthropology, achieving a GPA of 7. He has studied at a variety of academic institutions and started at university studying Japanese and Physics in his mid-teens. He is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. In his late teens, he achieved Level 5 in the TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) exam. He completed Level 5 of the Intensive Korean Language Program at Pusan National University, where he met an intelligent and beautiful Korean woman, who is now his wife.

Peter supports the Free Software Movement. He enjoys programming in Python and C and uses the GNU/Linux Operating System. Peter leaps into the deep end of rapid prototype development and transfers research knowledge from literature into modelling and simulation examples. Peter’s activities are critical to the creation of the big picture understanding we seek for our clients through the process of knowledge fusion.​