What we do

We help people understand structural violence.
We create software tools. We analyse data.
We model human interactions and social forces.
We run simulations and plot trajectories of change.

In computer science, a simulated world can be built from models that are components of a larger system. We keep our models simple but the system is complex because of the network of connections between the models. We observe simulations and uncover unexpected relationships. We analyse real data. We identify the gaps in our knowledge. We ask people questions. We tap into human intuition and develop new insights.

We used to disappear down rabbit holes for years.  We created highly realistic, mathematical models, but nobody understood them because by the time we emerged, we had forgotten how to talk to people. Today we are less anal. We use an agile approach. We avoid reinventing the wheel. We  now use modelling and simulation as a tool to aid face-to-face communication.

If deeper understanding is required, we can deep-dive to develop models that suit clients’ specific requirements as they arise.

We are currently experimenting with a variety of third-party modelling and simulation tools and investigating various sociological phenomena from academic research papers. We keep things simple. We get simulations up and running as quickly as possible.

Watch for updates on our Blog.