Jupyter Notebooks and downloading as other formats

Jupyter Notebook

When you have finished with a Jupyter notebook, you often want to save it to another format for use elsewhere.

If this format is pdf it can be a non-trivial exercise. You might say nbconvert errors and xelatex missing path errors etc.

Basically, you need LaTex and Pandoc. For Windows MikTex and for linux, TexLive can be installed from the internet. Given that it is 4GB or thereabouts, if you are going to want to do it on more than one machine, you can download a DVD ISO.

For a linux install once successful (after possibly grumbling about install permissions) you need to add PATH, MANPATH and INFOPATH environment variables as directed.

If there are still problems you can download the tex format and use Pandoc directly, too. e.g

pandoc VenusFEMSTEM.tex -o VenusFEMSTEM.pdf

If installing jupyter notebooks for the first time you will also want the usual python suspects like numpy, scipy, etc. if not installed already. Which is much more pleasant in linux than having to go retrieve the correct .whl useful from somewhere else.

Quick example


Jupyter Notebooks and downloading as other formats

Jupyter Notebook

When you have finished with a Jupyter notebook, you often want to save it to another format for use elsewhere.

If this format is pdf it can be a non-trivial exercise. You might say nbconvert errors and xelatex missing path errors etc.

Basically, you need LaTex and Pandoc. For Windows MikTex and for linux, TexLive can be installed from the internet. Given that it is 4GB or thereabouts, if you are going to want to do it on more than one machine, you can download a DVD ISO.

For a linux install once successful (after possibly grumbling about install permissions) you need to add PATH, MANPATH and INFOPATH environment variables as directed.

If there are still problems you can download the tex format and use Pandoc directly, too. e.g

pandoc VenusFEMSTEM.tex -o VenusFEMSTEM.pdf

If installing jupyter notebooks for the first time you will also want the usual python suspects like numpy, scipy, etc. if not installed already. Which is much more pleasant in linux than having to go retrieve the correct .whl useful from somewhere else.

Quick example
